National Award to HTTI:

HTTI is extremely Proud to have receive National Award “Leading and Most Promising Technical Training Institute of the Year 2021 “& “Outstanding Performance in virtual knowledge delivery during Pandemic”

HTTI Received National Award: “Leading and Most Promising Technical Training Institute of the Year 2021 “& “Outstanding Performance in virtual knowledge delivery during Pandemic”

HTTI receives this award on behalf of
- German Missionaries, sacrificed their personal life and explored India, Understood the need of Technical Education in India started Technical school on 30th October 1964.
- Management – Karnataka Christian Educational Society ®, Balmatta Mangaluru for continuous support
- 6 Former Principals, 108 Retired Staff and 19 Present Staff who dedicated their life for HTTI
- 2338 HTTI Alumni worked hard to bring glory to this Institution
- Thousands of Parents, most of them are from financially poor background for their sincere efforts to pay Educational Expenses of their ward
- KSD, KCD and KND for all the blessings
- HTTI Customers who trusted our quality manufacturing procedures
- Recruiters conducting Campus Placement Every year
- Well-wishers and Friends for their noble support.