Hebich Technical Training Institute conducted 4 weeks of Industrial Internship Training as per Visheshwarya Technological University (VTU) Belgum requirement for the Students of Vivekananda College of Engineering & Technology (VCET) Puttur. Industrial Internship Valedictory and Certificate Distribution Ceremony was held on 24.11.2023 at HTTI Audio […]

HTTI Pneumatics 2023 HTTI Pneumatics 2023 Pneumatics is a branch of engineering and technology that deals with the use of pressurized air or gases to create mechanical motion. It’s a method of using compressed air to transmit and control energy. Pneumatic systems are widely used […]

HTTI -75th Independence Day Celebration https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1sLtqKZjGAIwaMUrOIHsohScmbdCh0gep?usp=sharing

HTTI Convocation 2022 It is indeed a proud moment to Hebich Technical Training Institute. On 20th August 2022, HTTI Convocation-2022 was held at Bishop Jathanna Auditorium, Hebich Technical Institute campus, Balmatta,Mangaluru. 32 students received convocation and graduated from HTTI. In this auspicious occasion HTTI acknowledged […]

Pneumatics Class to Final Year Students Mr.Kalist Naval D Souza 1978 batch Alumni,General Manager –Technical Division,Times of India, conducted one of its kind one week Basic Pneumatics course to Final Year students . After successful completion of the course, 15 students were awarded with basic […]

Vaccination Camp 122 students, staff of HTTI take jab against Covid-19A total of 122 including students and staff of Hebich Technical Training Institute (HTTI) were administered vaccine against Covid-19 recently. HTTI Principal Chetan Rajaratnam inaugurated the vaccination camp organised on the campus. A team of […]